AC refers to the power generated by the electric outlets while DC is the power that is produced by batteries. Since a car runs on batteries, it utilizes DC voltage.

We are sure you would live to have consumer electronics in your cars while on road-most of us do. The problem is, all of these devices require AC power-a reason you need a car power inverter.
Once you install the inverter in your car, you will be able to use all kinds of electronic devices after plugging them into your car. If you are someone who tends to use a laptop or watch television inside your car, then you definitely need a power inverter.
- Run everything from power tools to your television.
- Ensure you don’t even run out of smartphone juice.
- Get the entertainment you want, even in your car.
What power inverters do is replicate an alternating current (AC) power source using a DC power source. You can purchase power inverters directly from the market or even create your own.
If you are wondering how to make a working power inverter for your car, then you have come to the right place. Ideally, a car inverter is supposed to intercept the 12 volts DC generated by the car battery and then transform it into 110 volts AC which is what is usually produced by the power outlets in your home.
Top Steps On How To Make A Power Inverter For Car
How to make a power inverter? The first thing that you need to look for when trying to make a power inverter for your car, is how you would hook it up to the car battery. Different methods exist – and some of the common ones include attaching it to the battery directly (a bit risky) or using a fuse panel.
Some even go in for a cigarette lighter while trying to connect the power inverter to their car. Just follow these steps and you would be fine.
Step 1: Choose a device to work with
If you have home UPS systems, then you know that they essentially serve the same purpose. However, they are designed to work with a 12-volt battery instead of the car outlet you would be using the inverter with. You can take an old home UPS system and turn it into a power inverter.
Step 2: Make the necessary changes
Now you have to adjust the settings of the UPS. You will find that some of the outlets get their power from the UPS system, but the other outlets work in the form of a regular surge strip.
Now you have to rewire the particular surge outlets so they can be plugged into the UPS power. After you are done, the UPS system will be responsible for powering all the outlets.
Now all you need is a car plug adapter that will make the device compatible with the car. Connect it to both battery terminals, after removing the battery.
Step 3: Test it
If you want to know whether or not your project was successful, then plug the UPS system into your car and test it. You would need to ensure that you do not overtax the system.
Remember that vehicles like trucks, or most cars for instance, are not designed to have an inverter used with them. Overtaxing and stretching its limits can mean that the car’s battery can get depleted really fast-and often with unexpected results. You really wouldn’t want to get stuck in the middle of nowhere on your next road trip. The best way to avoid this is to check the output of your alternator and then go in for a powerful inverter.
Step 4: Finishing Touches
Sometimes UPS devices come with buzzers, and that can be annoying in a car. Solve the problem by simply unsoldering it from the circuit board. You can also make your power inverter smaller in size.
Instead of going out and buying a power inverter of your car, challenge yourself with this DIY project on the coming weekend. Not only will you be able to use all your gadgets in the car, but you will also feel a sense of accomplishment. These are just some of the best ways to how to make a power inverter for car.